Think Better on Your Feet

Think Better on Your Feet

Have you ever been on a sales appointment with a colleague and, while observing them, they seem unwavering in their ability to swiftly answer their prospect’s questions, no matter what curveball came at them? This sales professional is incredibly proficient at...
How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo

How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo

Let’s break down one of the most overused sales clichés to describe a really good sales pro. Often, in conversation, a really good sales professional is referenced as someone who “could sell ice to an eskimo.” This conveys that the sales pro is such a good persuader...
Tune Your Sales Career

Tune Your Sales Career

I’m going to share a story with you and then I’m going to relate it to your sales career. When I was in middle school, my strong interest in heavy metal drove me to want to learn to play guitar. Having played trumpet in band from elementary school on, I figured...