
Make Results Happen

Check out our course modules, along with key takeaways specifically designed for sales pros, each a different sales-training topic. All modules come with an instructional video and matching work booklet in PDF format, along with exercises to help you master the curriculum plus discussion questions just in case you’re completing the program in group format.

Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand the three key philosophies of personal branding and their relevance to your work in sales.
  2. You will have a clear understanding of your “sphere of interest” or “personal target audience.”
  3. You will start becoming a celebrity inside your sphere of interest.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand how to become highly respected and widely recognized.
  2. You will have your own area of self-marketing expertise.
  3. You will have a value proposition or elevator speech you can use to engage new prospects.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will be more motivated to network and more comfortable doing it.
  2. You will have a goal in mind each time you go to a networking event, thus increasing the likelihood that any given networking event will lead to new business opportunities.
  3. You will learn how other sales pros use networking to obtain new business.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will build a robust online presence making it easy for prospective clients to find you.
  2. You will become more noticeable online and easy for prospects to find.
  3. You will strengthen your messaging on LinkedIn, showing the value that you provide clients.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand how to beat the rollercoaster ride that characterizes most sales pros’ personal business cycles.
  2. You will understand why prospecting is harder now than it was in the past and how to respond to these challenges.
  3. You will get new ideas for succeeding in a difficult prospecting environment.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn how procrastination crushes your ability to generate new business and how to lessen your natural tendency to relax.
  2. You will gain a better understanding of the human propensity to fear rejection and manage it in order to prevent it from hurting your performance.
  3. You will understand choices you can make that could turn you into a top producer.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn several methods for generating new leads.
  2. You will go back to some old, familiar sources to get new lead-generation ideas.
  3. You will understand how to build relationships with decision makers who currently work with your competition.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will organize and prioritize your prospecting efforts through time blocking and better prospecting discipline.
  2. You will take what feels like a risk and contact prospects at a different time or a different way than what feels comfortable to you.
  3. You will start researching every prospect before you call him or her.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn how to build relationships with your competitors’ clients.
  2. You will learn how to set barriers or hurdles between prospective clients and your competitors.
  3. You will gain a better understanding of how to use strategic gifts to win business.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand the circumstances that are forcing sales pros to prospect for clients much more creatively than they did in the past.
  2. You will understand how business acumen, thought leadership and subject matter expertise allow you to engage cold prospects who otherwise would have no interest in talking to you.
  3. You will identify sources where you can acquire business information, and more importantly, market intel.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will appreciate the need for compelling sales insights when contacting prospects especially cold ones.
  2. You will develop a list of internal and external insights you can use to craft prospecting messages.
  3. You will have a clear understanding of the role of insights in prospecting message development.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will have a clear understanding of the role of insights in prospecting message development.
  2. You will be aware of what your prospects do and do not care about and will use that information to adjust your prospecting language choices.
  3. You will learn the Sales Insight Formula, which you should follow for the rest of your sales career in order to form messages you can use to engage cold prospects via email, telephone, voicemail and other channels.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand the difference between marketing and prospecting emails.
  2. You will gain a deeper understanding of how prospecting emails should be structured.
  3. You will know best practices for email language and attention-getting subject lines.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn the components and qualities of effective voicemails.
  2. You will learn the best way to structure prospecting voicemails and where you can get content for those messages.
  3. You will develop actual voicemails you can use in your future prospecting efforts.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will gain an appreciation for the usefulness of referrals in your prospecting efforts and overcome any reluctance you might have to ask for them.
  2. You will learn who to ask for referrals and when.
  3. You will be aware of certain norms and expectations of using referrals and communicating with the referral giver.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will gain an appreciation for prospecting inside large companies.
  2. You will see yourself as a detective, uncovering layers of evidence, when you prospect very large companies.
  3. You will learn how to exploit the traits and characteristics of c-suite executives.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will have a greater appreciation for the necessary role that gatekeepers play.
  2. You will know what to say to properly engage a gatekeeper.
  3. You will be more confident in your ability to win over a gatekeeper.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will start sales presentations by listening instead of talking, thus making it less likely you will make harmful assumptions.
  2. You will gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for what prospects truly value.
  3. Your sales presentations will become more effective, because they will be better structured and personally customized to what prospects value.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will be more diligent in your communication and will look for moments-of-truth you can “pass” to prove your trustworthiness to clients.
  2. You will be able to use social proof as a way to reassure prospective clients that you are trustworthy.
  3. You will have a new sense of urgency, knowing that rapid responsiveness is now equated with trustworthiness.
Key Takeaways
  1. Why RFPs are a losing proposition and how to get over your fear of not responding to them.
  2. How to tell a prospect you don’t respond to RFPs unless you are allowed to control the RFP process.
  3. Dealing with Industries in which RFPs are simply part of the culture.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will gain a higher level of confidence in your ability to justify what you charge.
  2. You will understand what to do during the selling process so that discount requests are less important to your client.
  3. You will have effective responses to price objections ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn not to panic when you hear an objection, and instead, see it as an opportunity to advance the selling process.
  2. You will learn ways to deal with common objections.
  3. You will learn best practices for responding to objections.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand why prospects go dark, and that in many cases, it’s not about you or your offering.
  2. You will learn several steps you can take to re-engage the prospect.
  3. You will develop language you can use to bring dormant clients back into the fold.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand why some sales pros are hesitant to close and how to overcome such feelings.
  2. You will be able to set up the close by doing things right throughout the selling process.
  3. You will develop language you are comfortable using when it comes to closing time.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn to avoid perfection and over preparation.
  2. You will recognize and become better at avoiding the biggest time wasters.
  3. You will get real techniques that top producers use to maximize their time.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will focus on protecting your professional image even when you think nobody is watching.
  2. You will learn the art of “perpetual professionalism.”
  3. You will identify communication best practices which facilitate your sales efforts.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will explore why virtual selling is almost the same as traditional selling.
  2. You will learn best practices for selling via technology.
  3. You will become more comfortable in virtual selling environments.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will understand how the concept of “loss aversion” affects your selling psyche.
  2. You will protect your downside by analyzing vulnerabilities in your current client profile.
  3. You will implement a sales differentiation strategy.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will recognize the negative consequences when additional decision makers are involved.
  2. You will start to identify alternative decision makers when you first start communicating with a prospective client company.
  3. You will understand the roles employees play at companies and how each role can help or sabotage your chances of winning new business.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn the characteristics procurement departments and how they operate.
  2. You will discover how to sell value so as to avoid the procurement department.
  3. You will understand how professional buyers think and how to manipulate their behavior.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will appreciate the value of stories in the sales process.
  2. You will structure stories in a way that maximizes communication impact.
  3. You will discover new stories you can put to use in your selling efforts immediately.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will gain an appreciation for the role and importance of qualification.
  2. You will identify your prospective client qualification profile.
  3. You will eliminate inappropriate prospects quicker and earlier in the selling process.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will employ the same persuasion skills used by CEOs and executives as you prospect for new clients and attempt to close pending deals.
  2. You will understand the basic principles of persuasive communication.
  3. You will ethically temper your use of these powerful persuasion tools by focusing on what prospects value while building trusting relationships with current clients.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn how testimonials are a form of “social proof” and why they are valuable selling tools.
  2. You will get a behind-the-scenes look at how top producers obtain testimonials.
  3. You will know how to get the most impactful testimonials possible.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will develop an appreciation for the power of media and how it can make prospecting so much easier.
  2. You will avoid the pitfalls of working with the media.
  3. You will know how to be an expert source or guest for articles, broadcasts and podcasts.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will appreciate why miscommunications occur between sales pros and clients and how to avoid them.
  2. You will enhance your active listening skills.
  3. You will balance your need to listen with your desire to talk.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will cut through the fog of confusion that often exists when you are trying to figure out who makes decisions in large organizations.
  2. You will see yourself as a sales “detective” who must gather “intel.”
  3. You will improve your ability to identify key influencers early in the process while being wary of false influencers.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn the warning signs of demotivation.
  2. You will evaluate whether a “sales accountability partner” is right for you.
  3. You will understand the value and role of coaches in your sales career.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will get an overview of what emotional intelligence or “EQ” is all about.
  2. You will understand the role EQ plays in sales success and how you can identify people with high EQ.
  3. You will build your own EQ skills and use EQ to be more successful.
Key Takeaways
  1. You will learn some of the most problematic, anti-productive habits that many sales reps unfortunately possess.
  2. You will start a deliberate effort to “declutter” your work and your personal life.
  3. You will stop making business development harder than necessary by focusing on prospecting language that actually works.

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“From lead-generation to closing deals, BragBird is comprehensive sales training that reps actually enjoy!”

BragBird gives you real selling language and value-loaded techniques to be more persuasive, overcome objections, “win over gatekeepers” and “blocking and tackling” strategies to drive more revenue and crush sales quotas.

Created specifically for the virtual world, BragBird is a virtual sales and leadership education program created specifically for serious sales pros on-the-go who need to ramp up faster, approach top-tier clients and crush sales quotas – on-demand 24/7, whenever you need it.